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Access to exclusive member events, ranging from social hours to seminars + fireside chats
Centralized + Group Purchasing along with shipping + receiving support
Benefits + Perks through service providers +
industry partners
On-Site Concierge including scientific, operational support +
event staff
On-Demand lab + office, meeting + event space
Connections to capital + leading industry partners through BioLabs + network
Lab Equipment including: qPCR, freezers, fume hoods, plate readers, scales, centrifuges, microscopes + more
(see below)
MassBio Membership benefits
Cafe (assortment of non-alcoholic beverages, including coffee + healthy snacks) + community spaces, including access to secure bike storage, shower rooms + day lockers
Environmental Health + Safety support, as well as chemical-waste storage + hazardous-waste handling + removal
High-Speed Internet, 24/7 conference rooms, printers + copiers
Per Person
Access to conference rooms, event space and all non-lab amenities.
Per Bench
Access to fully equipped coworking lab. Start with a single bench and scale up as you grow.
Per Workstation
Access to fully equipped coworking office workstations and amenities.
Cell Counters
Digital, florescent capable, consumable-free cell counter (Denovix)
Cold Storage
Fridges, freezers + cold storage for all your experimental needs, including -20, -80 degree freezers, + liquid nitrogen dewar
Digital, fluorescent microscope + standard inverted microscopy (Thermo Fisher Scientific + others)
Spectrofluorimeters + Spectrophotometers
Multi-assay capable spectrofluorometers + spectrophotometers (DeNovix + more)
Various centrifuges including refrigerated microcentrifuges, vacufuge, benchtop + highspeed models (ThermoFisher Scientific, Eppendorf, Beckman-Coulter + more)
Digital imaging stations (Li-Cor + Thermo Fisher Scientific)
PCR Machines
PCR + real-time PCR machines (ThermoFisher Scientific)
Flow Cytometry
Powerful + highly-customizable flow cytometer for cell analysis (Thermo Fisher Scientific + more)
Temperature + CO2 controlled incubators with 24/7 monitoring + backup power (Thermo Fisher Scientific)
Various microplate shakers, incubator shakers + vortexers (Eppendorf + Thermo Fisher Scientific)
Water Baths
Water baths (VWR)
Blotting Station
Equipment for gel transfers (iBlot™ 2) + gel electrophoresis (Thermo Fisher Scientific)
Bio Safety Cabinets
Dedicated room for cell culture work with Bio Safety cabinets, microscopes + centrifuges
pH Meter
Milli-Q© Water
Find Us
Eisai Innovation Center BioLabs
35 Cambridge Park Dr, 2nd Fl
Cambridge, MA 02140
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