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Amgen Golden Ticket Applications OPEN

BioLabs at The Lundquist

As a Gold sponsor of BioLabs LA at the Lundquist Institute, Amgen is privileged to award one promising start-up company with a year of free lab space (and more!).

Here’s what you can expect with an Amgen Golden Ticket in hand:

  • One-year FREE lab bench and membership at BioLabs LA at the Lundquist Institute

  • Access to the shared amenities and services provided at the Lundquist Institute

  • Mentorship by experienced Amgen scientists—we let you lead, ask for advice in any aspect of your science, and we’ll provide insight and perspective

  • Access to talent and expertise across Amgen network

Once submitted, your company’s proposal will be reviewed by an internal committee of Amgen scientists, and 5 finalist companies will be identified and notified by August. We will invite the finalists to a virtual pitch to Amgen Committee where the Winner will be selected and presented with the awards virtually in August. Finalists will be notified of exact dates by mid-August.

  • May 25 - June 26 : Call for Proposals Open

  • August : Finalist Companies Notified

  • August : Finalists Pitch to Amgen Research

  • August : Winners Announce

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